
C O N N E X I O N S - A career Guidance & Development Centre 

CONNEXIONS - A career Guidance & Development Centre was established in 1990 with the following objectives :

1. Assist students who have completed their education to identify opportunities that match their academic qualification, inherent talent and career aspirations.

2. Assist employed professionals identify alternate employment options that match their academic qualification, work experiences, inherent talent, skills acquired in their work progression besides personal ambition and career aspirations.

3. Assist employers to identify candidates based on various parameters - academic qualification, work experience and employment track record that would match with the corporate vision, mission and culture.

We have now embarked to offer Career counselling to :

1. Students who are studying in school and colleges and need career choice decisions.

2. have completed their graduation in any discipline and are still at the cross road of their career aspiration.


We offer counselling in various ways. You could choose any of the following processes.


Preliminary or basic response to queries related to academic field of study, career options, overseas studies and immigration guidelines through online interaction. only relevant and logical questions will be answered within 72 work hours.


This is a confidential session with the subject spread over half working day. Counselling guidelines will be responses to structured questionnaire submitted to us at least one week in advance. The session is scheduled and planned with mutual consent and concurrence but is subject to Consultant's time schedule and availability. Counselling services extends to career options identification & selection, various field of studies to choose, assistance in identification of career universities / institutes where such courses are available, course duration, course contents, fees structures etc.


This is a process where group of 5 to 10 students are subjected to general and specific need based Counselling. In general areas all the group members are addressed jointly in a session where talk or lecture is delivered on careers, academic field, identification of field of study to pursue, Individual latent talent identification through administration of psychometric & IQ test, and interface with the subject and the little world around him - namely parents, brothers, sisters, friends, teachers and or relatives. Here interface with the subject and people in his little world are held on one to one basis and in strict confidence. Information is also furnished of various universities / institutes for the chosen field of specialization, course contents, course duration, fees structure and or assistance in availment of education loan through Banks.


This is same as Group Sessions - but the batch size is larger - ranging from 20 to 30 and are conducted at the invitation or request of school or college. Here the sessions are conducted in the school premises. Individual sessions would be held in school provided confidential conference room is provided or in our office.


For Online - Preliminary queries - Free Service


For GROUP COUNSELLING session & information pertaining to studies in India only - Rs 7500.00

For GROUP COUNSELLING session & information pertaining to studies in Overseas - Rs 25000.00

For GROUP COUNSELLING session & information pertaining to studies in India & Overseas - Rs 50000.00

For details or more information call on 022 - 22071489 / 25530839 / 40 / 72 or send an email to counsellor@connexions-india.com